WikiCharities is on a mission to build a globally trusted and transparent community of validated nonprofits to drive a new era of connection and collaboration to more effectively improve the world
To do so as efficiently as possible, WikiCharities and nonprofits alike must clear a significant hurdle: finding tech solutions to streamline their efforts to help further their missions. Nonprofits need innovative tech solutions to better serve their communities; the right tech enables nonprofits to focus their funds and time on programmatic work while tech simplifies operations and reporting
That’s where LiquiDonate’s platform—offering free high-quality items from retailers and individuals—comes in.
How the LiquiDonate and WikiCharities Partnership Benefits Nonprofits
By streamlining the instant matching process and logistics coordination, LiquiDonate makes it free, fast, and easy for nonprofits to get what they need in a more circular economy that prioritizes reducing waste. Now, with API integration between LiquiDonate and WikiCharities, nonprofits in the United States and Canada can more easily use both platforms in tandem, bringing about benefits that support their missions and focus areas with a single, simple tech solution.
Specifically, this partnership will help increase the number of WikiCharities-validated nonprofits that have access to donations via LiquiDonate’s matching algorithm, making it easier for nonprofits to receive the items they need to impact their communities.
By simplifying the sign-up process with LiquiDonate and streamlining nonprofits’ verification process with WikiCharities, nonprofits can reduce waste by claiming gently loved, circular economy items to further their missions.
Expand Your Nonprofit Network with LiquiDonate and WikiCharities
Create your LiquiDonate account to discover how simple it can be to receive the items your nonprofit needs, and sign up with WikiCharities to join the world’s largest open-access nonprofit database.